17 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi
Ana SayfaHaberWhere is Yıldıztepe ski resort in Turkey?

Where is Yıldıztepe ski resort in Turkey?

1 ski lift, 1 ski lift and 2 ski slopes are available in Yıldızlı ski resort.

1 ski lift in the star ski resort, 1 teleski Yıldıztepe ski resort is located in Ilgaz Mountains of Çankırı. It is located between Çankırı and Kastamonu. Ilgaz Mountain National Park is located outside the area. Yıldıztepe ski center and Ilgaz district center are 16 kilometers away.

One of the 3 ski runs is 300 meters long, other is 2700 meters long, the third is 4500 meters long. The difficulty levels of the tracks are both at the beginning level.

How to get to Yıldıztepe Ski Center?

If you are going to the south by Ankara: You must use the Çankırı – Kastamonu road. From Kastamonu – Çankırı junction (from Ilgaz junction) continue Kastamonu. About 10 km. then you will return to the picnic area (to the right) at the right of the road. About 15 km from the main road, you will reach Yıldıztepe Facilities.

From the west, you will go to Bolu: Gerede – Merzifon. Return from Kastamonu – Çankırı junction (from Ilgaz junction) to Kastamonu direction (left). About 10 km. then you will return to the picnic area (to the right) at the right of the road. About 15 km from the main road, you will reach Yıldıztepe Facilities.

From the east, by Merzifon: Merzifon – Gerede. From Kastamonu – Çankırı junction (Ilgaz junction) return to Kastamonu direction (right). About 10 km. then you will return to the picnic area (to the right) at the right of the road. About 15 km from the main road, you will reach Yıldıztepe Facilities.

From the north, go to Kastamonu: You will use the Çankırı – Ankara road. Cross Kastamonu, cross the Ilgaz Mountain Passage Road Maintenance Authority and start the descent. Approximately 10 km. then you will return to the picnic area (to the left) at the left of the road. About 15 km from the main road, you will reach Yıldıztepe Facilities.

Places nearby Yıldıztepe ski resort

It is 16 km from Ilgaz district, 10 km from Ilgaz ski center, 50 km from Kastamonu, 65 km from Cankiri, 180 km from Merzifon, 195 km from Ankara, 200 km from Bolu and 450 km from Istanbul.



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