16 Haziran 2024 Pazar
Ana SayfaHaberWhere is Uzungöl in Turkey?

Where is Uzungöl in Turkey?

Uzungol Plateau, which is one of the most known places of tourism in the Black Sea Region, is within the boundaries of Çaykara District of Trabzon. Uzungöl is located 19 kilometers from the center of Çaykara and 99 kilometers from the center of Trabzon.

How to get to Uzungöl?

You depart from Trabzon to Rize. After passing Yomra, Arsin, Araklı and Sürmene respectively, you turn right from the signs of Dernekpazarı and Çaykara. After crossing Çaykara, the road is a little distorted, and you come across the cliffs on the right side of the road occasionally. After a magnificent plateau ..



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