22 Nisan 2024 Pazartesi
Ana SayfaHaberWhere is Sakızcılar Waterfall in Turkey?

Where is Sakızcılar Waterfall in Turkey?

Sakızcılar Waterfall or known name Ağlayan Kaya Waterfall is in Sakızcılar Village in Çal District of Denizli. The distance to Denizli city center is 40 km.

How to get from Denizli to Sakizcilar Waterfall?

On the way from Denizli to Pamukkale, after passing the Korucuk Neighborhood, a road is left as soon as you pass the Menderes Bridge. From the center of the city of Irlıganlı and Irlıganlı, the road to Güzelpınar direction again is asphalted and well maintained. Welcome to Güzelhisar before you enter into Güzelpınar to follow the right path after the written text. There are signage facilities on the roads and the roads on the roads.



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